Kollektive Rohstoff Intelligenz ECTerra & Associates
2017- to-date Germany
TOTAL Lake Albert Oil Facility & Pipeline project
2017 Uganda
“Economic Governance and Institutional Reform Project” GIZ
2017 Guinea
Project Management Barite Mine
2016 Liberia/W-Africa
Tantalum Exploration
2016 Liberia/W-Africa
Heavy Mineral Sands & Graphite
2016 Sri Lanka
Rare Earth Elements & Uranium Exploration – TAFOLI
2016 Mauretania
Project Management / CEO Iron Ore – Severstal/PIOM
2012-2016 Liberia/W-Africa
“Support to the Mining Authority ICMM for the Development of a Geological Survey Section”
2010-2012 Kosovo
Implementing a certification system for conflict minerals (Coltan, Cassiterit, Wolframit, Gold) – BGR Germany
2010-2012 DRC